sunnuntai 5. kesäkuuta 2016

Fully mechanical planting head Risutec PM60E for eucalyptus and pine

Fully mechanical planting head Risutec PM60E for eucalyptus and pine Risutec has made a new model for eucalyptus plantations. This model is based on our PM60 moulding model, but with several modifications. 

Risutec PM60E includes a plate for preparing the soil up till 40 cm depth. The plate will make a hole, which guarantees optimal conditions for fast growth. Unit also optionally has a fertilize supplier, which gives adjusted amounts of fertilizer on pit surface. 

This unit can be used also for soil inverting. 
Unit has a 60 seedling capacity, with maximum seedling height 30 cm. Risutec PM60E weights 650 kg, making it suitable for excavators starting from 8 tons. This model will be presented 15-17 June in FOREXPO in France and 30 June – 2 July in Galiforest in Spain. 

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